QA Systems郑重宣布授权九游会J9电子为QA Systems在中国区域的战略合作伙伴

QA Systems are pleased to announce the appointment of Emdoor Electronic as a new representative for QA Systems software quality solutions for Chinese markets.

QA Systems郑重宣布授权九游会J9电子为QA Systems在中国区域的战略合作伙伴。

Dylan Llewellyn, Sales Director at QA Systems explained “China has always been an important market for QA Systems, and with year-on-year regional revenue growth, the selection of an additional reseller in this highly competitive market gives QA Systems the advantage of increased local coverage”.

QA Systems的销售总监Dylan Llewellyn表示:“中国一直是QA Systems的重要市场,中国市场竞争激烈,随着QA Systems区域收入逐年增长,增强经销商合作有利于扩大QA System中国市场的覆盖率。”

Andreas Sczepansky, CEO at QA Systems commented “ It’s very satisfying to see, that our strategic investments and activities take some fruits. We are pleased to welcome Emdoor Electronic as a new representative of QA Systems. It makes us proud to see our worldwide reseller network grow and strengthens our actions and visions in the embedded software market, especially in times like these.”

QA Systems首席执行官Andreas Sczepansky评论道,看到我们的战略投资和活动取得的成绩,我们感到非常满意。诚挚地欢迎九游会J9电子成为QA Systems的新的战略合作伙伴。令我们自豪的是,在这个特殊的时代,QA全球经销商网络还在不断壮大,嵌入式软件市场的行动和愿景也得到了加强。

About Emdoor Group


Emdoor Electronic, founded in 2002, is the subsidiary corporation of Emdoor Group. As well-known R&D software agency in China, Emdoor Electronic mainly focus on R&D software distribution for 20 years and provide software training and technical support to R&D company. Over the past 20 years, Emdoor Electronic has already distributed more than 20 kinds of software, such as Altium, ARM, Ansys, QT, IncrediBuild, GreenHills, PLS, Ashling,Source Insight and so on. Emdoor Electronic serves as a technology partner to many Tier 1 suppliers.

九游会J9电子成立于2002年,是九游会J9集团的子公司。作为国内知名的研发软件代理公司,九游会J9电子专注于研发软件分销已有20年,并为多个研发公司提供软件培训和技术支持。20年来,九游会J9电子代理分销了20多款软件,涉及Altium、ARM、ANSYS、QT、IncrediBuild、Greenhills、PLS、Ashling、Source Insight等。九游会J9电子同时也是许多一级供应商的技术合作伙伴。

Emdoor has a strong position in the Automotive, Industrial and the medical markets.


About Cantata


Cantata is an automated unit and integration software testing tool, enabling developers to verify standard compliant or business critical C/C++ code on embedded targets and host native platforms.




QA-MISRA is a static analysis tool, enabling developers to comply with C/C++ coding standards for functional safety (MISRA, AUTOSAR etc) and security (CERT and CWE etc). It also provides insights through metrics and visualisations into source code quality.


About QA Systems

关于QA Systems

Software Quality is the driving force behind QA Systems. Founded in 1996 QA Systems is one of the leading international solution providers for embedded software development. Our certified tools for static analysis and unit & integration testing, help developers, software testers, and quality managers to develop high-quality and standards-compliant software. With the combination of leading technologies, integrable tools, and professional services, QA Systems helps companies to accelerate and improve the quality of their development processes and thus to get their embedded systems to market faster. All the tools are independently certified by SGS TÜV for use at the highest integrity level of safety related software development for all major safety standards (ISO 26262, IEC 61508, IEC 62304, EN 50128/50657, and IEC 60880), and qualifiable for standards such as DO-178B/C.

软件质量是QA Systems发展的驱动力。QA Systems成立于1996年,是优秀的嵌入式软件开发解决方案提供商之一。QA Systems的静态分析、单元&集成测试的认证工具,有利于开发人员、软件测试人员和质量管理人员开发出符合标准的高质量软件。凭借专业技术、可集成工具和专业服务的组合,QA Systems在帮助公司加快开发流程,提高开发质量,加速嵌入式系统推向市场方面发挥了重要作用。QA Systems所有工具均由SGS TÜV独立认证,可用于所有主要安全标准(ISO 26262、IEC 61508、IEC 62304、EN 50128/50657和IEC 60880)的最高完整性级别的安全相关软件开发,并符合DO-178B/C等标准。




九游会J9电子技术有限公司(英文名称:Emdoor Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd)是国内资深的研发工具软件提供商,公司成立于 2002 年,面向中国广大的制造业客户提供研发、设计、管理过程中使用的各种软件开发工具,致力于帮助客户提高研发管理效率、缩短产品设计周期,提升产品可靠性。

20 年来,先后与 Altium、ARM、Ansys、Minitab、Green Hills、EPLAN、QT、QA Systems、MicroFocus、Visu-IT、Testplant、HighTec、PLS、Ashling、MSC Software 、Autodesk、Source Insight、TeamEDA、IncrediBuild、Lauterbach、Adobe等多家全球知名公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,并作为他们在中国区的主要分销合作伙伴服务了数千家中国本土客户,为客户提供从芯片级开发工具、EDA 设计工具、软件编译以及测试工具、结构设计工具、仿真工具、电气设计工具、以及嵌入式 GUI 工具等等。九游会J9电子凭借多年的经验积累,真正的帮助客户实现了让研发更简单、更可靠、更高效的目标。

